Narrative Major-General John Campbell of his Operations in the Hill Tracts of Orissa, for the suppression of human sacrifices and female infanticide. ebook online. Throughout the mountains human sacrifices were offered not to the Earth alone, as in Goomsur, but to a number of other deities whose favour was deemed essential to the life and happiness of the people.45 Major-General Campbell, who took active measures for suppressing the barbarous custom, has described some of the ways in which these Narrative Major-General John Campbell of His Operations in the Hill Tracts of Orissa for the Suppression of Human Sacrifices and Female Infanticide: John Campbell: Books [Narrative Major-General John Campbell of his Operations in the Hill Tracts of Orissa, for the suppression of human sacrifices and female infanticide.] First lines of the practice of midwifery- to which are added remarks on the forensic evidence requisite in cases of foeticide and infanticide (electronic resource) (1831) (14589549458) Narrative Major-General John Campbell of his Operations in the Hill Tracts of Orissa, for the suppression of human sacrifices and female infanticide de John Campbell - English books - commander la livre de la cat